Abortion 2:
"What are Women Thinking
BEFORE the Abortion"
Written by Tim Estes
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Abortion 2 (What are women thinking before the abortion ?)
I am not an abortion expert.
But I did hours and hours of research on the internet, even YouTube.
And what I share with you is what I found repeated over and over..
So, we ask the question: “What are women thinking before the abortion.”
- I found 4 BIG concepts
- The pregnant woman will not regret making the decision
- They are not expecting any remorse, grief or mental anguish.
- Some women do not want pregnancy or to raise a child NOW.
- They may feel that having children is for later in their life.
- Others may see pregnancy and raising children as a major threat to their career or the fun life they are currently living.
- People in the pro-choice movement, or ladies influenced by this movement, believe that the woman’s body should be fully autonomous
- They have slogans like “My Body, My Choice”
- They have the right to do to their body anything they want, including aborting the unwanted tissue
- They see the fetus, which is attached by the umbilical cord, as part of the woman and therefore can be terminated as part of the woman
- Women do have unwanted cancerous cells removed from their breasts.
- Why not have the unwanted tissue removed from their uterus?

- It is ok because everyone else is doing it.
- 73 million per year worldwide. (Guttmacher Institute)
- In 2018, 619,591 legal induced abortions were reported to CDC from 49 reporting areas.
- These are the 4 things often thought BEFORE the abortion
- No regrets
- My Body, My Choice
- Everyone is doing it.
- It is ok because everyone else is doing it.
What does God say about these thoughts and attitudes?
- No Regret
- There is no regret because the WOMAN DOES NOT SEE THE FETUS AS A PERSON.
- Just unwanted tissue
- She does not see her actions as taking a life
- She is simply removing an unwanted growth like removing a wart.
- But this is what God said about that attitude.
- Isaiah 5:20-21 Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter! (ARE YOU LISTENING) (21) Woe to those who are wise in their own eyes, and shrewd in their own sight!
- There is no regret because the WOMAN DOES NOT SEE THE FETUS AS A PERSON.
- No pregnancy NOW.
- Does the woman have the right to decide WHEN she wants to be pregnant, to begin her family?
- 1 Corinthians 7:2-4 NIV But since sexual immorality is occurring, each man should have sexual relations with his own wife, and each woman with her own husband. (3) The husband should fulfill his marital duty to his wife, and likewise the wife to her husband. (4) The wife does not have authority over her own body but yields it to her husband. In the same way, the husband does not have authority over his own body but yields it to his wife.
- But God would say that it needs to be a mutual decision between her and her HUSBAND.
- But if the unmarried woman does not want to be pregnant now, There is only 1 way that works every time.
- THE ONLY way to make certain you don’t get pregnant is to not engage in sexual activity.
- An unmarried woman’s body is fully autonomous.
- But we just showed that a married woman DOES NOT HAVE AUTHORITY OVER HER OWN BODY.
- Furthermore, if the sexual partner is not her own husband, God calls it sexual immorality. (above scripture).
- And it is condemned in multiple scriptures.
- If you would like to have those scriptures, get in touch with me.
- But regardless if she is married or single, if she has become pregnant, that “growing mass” is NOT her.
- It is not cancer.
- It is not a wart.
- IT IS GENETICALLY UNIQUE FROM HER BODY and has been since the sperm entered her egg.
- At best, it is only ½ of her, genetically. The other ½ is like her sexual partner.
- Therefore it is not part of her fully autonomous body.
- It is someone, a person
- And that person has the right to live just as much as she does.
- Does the woman have the right to decide WHEN she wants to be pregnant, to begin her family?
- That everyone else is doing it.
- Numbers alone do not make anything right or wrong.
- Jesus described two paths for living.
- One is popular and easy.
- The other is more challenging.
- He said it this way.
- Matthew 7:13-14 NIV “Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. (14) But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.
- No Regret
The 4 things women may think BEFORE the abortion, God disagrees with each of them.
And because God has different ideas that work, we should listen and do what HE says.