Timeless Talks
The Mission, The People
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Mission Statement
It is the mission of TimelessTalks.net to provide people with videos, articles, free materials, prayer, and personal interaction. This self-help information will aid their effort to improve their current lives AND, at the same time, prepare them for eternity. Jesus said, “I came that they may have life and have it abundantly.”

Tim Estes, your host, has worked in the retail business, been a teacher, and has been public speaking for many years in the US and abroad. His videos reflect his passion for Jesus and care for individuals. He believes Jesus is the way to the best life now and beyond.

Smiling and laughing are Diana Majors’ signature gifts as she works to help people find joy in spite of their difficulties. Her role in the Timeless Talks family is as the Vice President of Social Media Development. She enjoys using this tool as an opportunity to participate in the great commission.

Georgia Estes has worked with people in government programs, as a school teacher over a 42-year period and written two books, Restoring the Wells of Praise (Amazon) and the corresponding workbook. (Amazon)
She especially enjoys working with church members in India and Africa via online classes and in person. Georgia helps critique videos for Timeless Talks, and re-posts them on Facebook.

Shailesh Kumar has been involved with teaching youth and in church activities for several years and has been Director of Christ’s Bible School since 2019. He is a translator, transcriber, and all-round “Tech Guy”. Shailesh loves the Lord and has a passion to reach others with the gospel.
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