Timeless Talks

Tim Estes

Life is wonderful. Life is varied. Life is rewarding. I began speaking in churches in 1971 and I am not planning on stopping. I have worked with Christian brothers in Arkansas, Texas, Missouri, Ukraine, Belarus, and India. So much joy! I have worked for grocery stores (three times), bottling companies, hauled hay, preached both full-time and part-time, and started and failed at floor cleaning and professional photography. I was a good news photog and reporter, and successfully sold and produced television advertising. I highly enjoyed teaching high school life sciences for nine years. I have served as an EMT and Billing Specialist for an ambulance service. And been a security guard. I am blessed with 5 children and 9 grandchildren. But the greatest passion has always been trying to educate, encourage, strengthen, and motivate individuals toward God Almighty, Jesus my Savior, and my helper the Holy Spirit. I want EVERYONE to have the joys they have given me. And I want them to have the grand reward I expect to receive.

Who Is My Neighbor?

How would you describe the character of a neighbor? Where do they live? What makes them tick? Who is my neighbor?
In this video we are going examine the mis-information about who neighbors should be,
And we will answer the question, “Who Is Your Neighbor?”
But we will also give you 3 bonuses.
They will be 3 essential concepts to support whoever your neighbor is
And if you want even more about this subject, get over to TimelessTalks.net and see the additional resources available.

Now, let’s dive into a very familiar Bible story. But be warned. If you THINK you know it, that is when you miss important details. So be careful. Follow along in your own Bible.
The story is found in Luke 10:25-37.

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What is Your Basis?

What Is Your Basis? https://media.publit.io/file/TTVideos/JesusWords-c.mp4 What is your relationship with Jesus based on? Was it something you saw, heard, or something a relative told you? Is it based on Jesus’ words? This video examines references to what Jesus has said. It is determined that what Jesus said and taught was more than important now. They

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Sinner’s Prayer

Sinner’s Prayer Have you ever prayed the Sinner’s Prayer? The intent of this prayer is to ask Jesus to come into your heart as a means of being saved. Do you know where in the Bible the Sinner’s Prayer can be found? As we desire to be saved from our sins by Jesus’ sacrifice, can

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Christmas Card Lessons

Christmas Card Lessons https://media.publit.io/file/TTVideos/Xmas21-c.mp4 Christmas Cards should carry God’s message. Here are three lessons you can use. And find out more about the creator of Timeless Talks with Tim and TimelessTalks.Net. He discusses why he identifies with Jesus. And find a sound Christmas Wish for all viewers, whenever you watch it! 

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Why? https://media.publit.io/file/TTVideos/Why-c.mp4 Why do I do what I do? Why do I preach? Why do I do these short talks? Why did I create TimelessTalks.Net? Here is the answer.

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