Timeless Talks

Tim Estes

Life is wonderful. Life is varied. Life is rewarding. I began speaking in churches in 1971 and I am not planning on stopping. I have worked with Christian brothers in Arkansas, Texas, Missouri, Ukraine, Belarus, and India. So much joy! I have worked for grocery stores (three times), bottling companies, hauled hay, preached both full-time and part-time, and started and failed at floor cleaning and professional photography. I was a good news photog and reporter, and successfully sold and produced television advertising. I highly enjoyed teaching high school life sciences for nine years. I have served as an EMT and Billing Specialist for an ambulance service. And been a security guard. I am blessed with 5 children and 9 grandchildren. But the greatest passion has always been trying to educate, encourage, strengthen, and motivate individuals toward God Almighty, Jesus my Savior, and my helper the Holy Spirit. I want EVERYONE to have the joys they have given me. And I want them to have the grand reward I expect to receive.

Calling a Traitor?

Calling a Traitor https://timelesstalks.net/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/Calling-Traitors.mp4 The video begins with imagining yourself at a flea market when you come up to a booth with a traitor to Americans. The man collecting funds for Al-Qaeda. Afterward, we notice Jesus is calling a traitor to be a follower. But that is only the beginning. We learn more about Jesus […]

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What Happened to Jesus?

What Happened to Jesus? https://youtu.be/KzXSTEMBZZk The video uses Isaiah 53 as a basis for examining what happened to Jesus on the day he died.  Isaiah used picturesque words to describe the emotional and mental suffering God’s Suffering Servant would experience. He also used other visual words to graphicly show the physical brutality Jesus would experience.

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Feeding 5000

Feeding the 5000 https://youtu.be/uCluHWb2KoA Read John 6:1-14.  This is the story of Jesus’ feeding 5000 men (and an unknown number of women and children) from 5 biscuit-sized loaves and 2 sardine-sized dried fish.  What does this story have to do with YOU?  This brief examination of the event, noting the facts and the miracle itself

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Woman at the Well, Part 2

Woman at the Well, Part 2 https://timelesstalks.net/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/Woman-at-the-Well-2-FIN-YT.mp4 The Woman at the Well, Part 2 digs deeper into the ideas of being racially or socially segregated.  In John 4, Jesus begins allowing an outcast to begin her growth of going from knowing about the Christ by knowing him by experience. Jesus confronts prejudice by asking her

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Woman at the Well, Part 1

Woman at the Well, Part 1 https://timelesstalks.net/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/Woman-at-the-Well-1b.mp4 The Woman at the Well, Part 1 examines the states of Samaritans as a mixed-race people and the resulting segregation from the Jews and Gentiles. The Woman experienced racial segregation and social segregation, as described in John 4.  Between her plight and how much Jesus cares, we can

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