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"Blessed Are Peacemakers"

Written by Tim Estes

Blessed are the Peacemakers
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Blessed Are The Peacemakers


How can individuals find peace with God? Why is humanity at war with God? What role do peacemakers play? Join us in exploring what it is to be a peacemaker, and how they reflect the very heart of God.”


To answer these questions, let’s begin in Matthew 5:9  “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God.”

Man is at war with God because of his personal disobedience. We listen to the philosophy of this world and are convinced it will be good for us. It will relieve all grief. It will remove the guilt. But this means we are not listening to God. James wrote, “You adulterous people! Do you not know that friendship with the world is enmity with God? Therefore whoever wishes to be a friend of the world makes himself an enemy of God.” Trying to mix human ideas with the wisdom of God only creates more turmoil because it won’t work.

Additionally, sins separate us from God. Isaiah said, “Behold, the LORD’s hand is not shortened, that it cannot save, or his ear dull, that it cannot hear;  (2)  but your iniquities have made a separation between you and your God, and your sins have hidden his face from you so that he does not hear.”

God demands justice. A price must be paid for our rebellion against his wisdom.  “For the wages of sin is death, …”

But God also loves you. He is able to be just and loving at the same time. His bottom-less love, brought His Son to earth to live among us. Jesus became the reconciling sacrifice. His death can remove the sin that separates us from God. His death can re-establish peace. So, God is the original “peace-maker.”

Through Jesus Christ, Christians are given peace and work to maintain it. When Christians incorporate God into their life, they can gain peace with others.

Let’s explore the scriptures that show this divine peace and how Christians are called to work toward peace with everyone. Paul wrote, “If possible, so far as it depends on you, live peaceably with all.”

All of this only gains peace for ourselves and those close to us.

But there is a higher level of peace that Christians should develop. It is the desire for peace for others. It is unselfish. It is sacrificial. It makes strong demands on the Christian peacemaker.

Jesus said,  Matthew 5:9,  ‘Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God.’” He did not say blessed are the peace-FUL or peace-ABLE. The only time this word is in the New Testament. It is made from 2 words; “Peace” and “to make or do”

Let me illustrate: Something goes wrong in the kitchen. The kitchen is on fire. Someone screams and everyone gets out of the house. Then you call 9-1-1.  Now, Think: What do the firemen do? They go into the burning house.

Here is the point: Peacemakers try to make peace where there is none. They involve themselves in the unpleasant, the angry, or disappointed situations.

Christian peacemakers work in 3 types of situations.

First, peacemakers can bring peace into the life of a troubled individual. With kindness and gentleness, the peacemaker allows the individual to learn of the sins that have brought this war with God. They reveal how God sent Jesus as a sacrifice to end this war. When they obey God, individuals can resolve this conflict, gaining peace within themselves and with God.”

Second, peacemakers also mediate peace between individuals. They help both parties to start by slowing down. They give both parties time to think. Peacemakers teach basic listening skills instead of attack skills. They show how God’s ways can resolve conflicts. That if they would follow some basic Biblical principles, they can learn patience and understanding.  These Bible-based agreements, though not easy, are more lasting.”

Third, peacemakers can bring disagreeing brothers, maybe those about to split a congregation, back to peace. Be certain: Only God’s word can re-establish lasting peace. One side, if not both, must be re-taught God’s plan, God’s justice, God’s love, God’s patience and God’s forgiveness. One side, if not both, must be brought to a point of repentance and confession, according to the scriptures (James 5:16; 1 John 1:7-9). Thus, they are reconciled back to God first. Then, indirectly, they are reconciled back to each other as well.”

This is the greatest achievement. To be more than peaceFU,L, but a peaceMAKER. When peacemakers accomplish their mission, they reflect their Father in Heaven. There is a family resemblance between God and the peacemaker. People can easily see the similarities. They are considered to be “sons of God.”

I challenge you. Be a peacemaker. Bringing God’s peace to your troubled community, your tormented state, your divided nation, and a war-prone world.

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God bless your day.

Come back and visit again tomorrow. Until then, Goodbye for now.