Imagine, NO Resurrection
Easter is built on the sacrificial death, burial, and especially the resurrection of Jesus from the dead to never die again.
But can you imagine what it would be like if Jesus was not resurrected?
The result will determine your anxiety level, your joy, every aspect of life now, much less eternity later.
Additional Resources
From Timeless Talks
- After Life (FREE booklet, online or download)
- Imagine, NO Resurrection, Notes
- Imagine, NO Resurrection, Script
- The Lord’s Resurrection (FREE, Online or Download)
- A Man Attested
- What Drives You?
- Me, Too?
- Heaven
- How Does Jesus’ Death Benefit You
- Churches of Christ: Who Are They?
- Who Is Satan?
- I Hate Buttermilk
- Freedom From Sin
- Freedom from Law, Notes
From Online Academy of Biblical Studies
- The Glorious Resurrection (Lectureship; 6 audio downloads)
From World Video Bible School
From In Search of the Lord’s Way
- The Power Of His Resurrection
- The Lord’s Resurrection
- Transcript (FREE, Online or download)
From Gospel Broadcasting Network
From We See Jesus