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Home > Impossible Debt Reduction??

Impossible Debt Reduction?

Written by Tim Estes

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Impossible Debt Reduction?? 


I remember being overdrawn at the bank several times. It wasn’t pleasant. It made keeping my debts current even harder.

Some of you identify with that feeling.

Sadly, I need to inform you that some debts you CAN NOT pay off. Yet I have discovered an answer to the biggest debt you owe.

Let me give you that answer and I will give you a bonus.


Debts have records.

Every time I borrowed money from the bank, I must sign a loan application. And before I receive the money, I must sign a bunch of forms, including the one made up in TRIPLICATE.

Then EVERY month I make the payments on what feels like an ETERNAL loan. It pays off sooooo s-l-o-w-l-y!

And if you are not very careful, you can accumulate lots of debt from multiple sources. Car loans, hospitals, student loans, Lowes, home loan, Shell gas card, WalMart credit card and Amazon store card. It is so easy to get burdened with debt.

And there is a RECORD of very purchase in the debt.

It is easy to get so far in debt that you CANNOT pay it off. And it is easy to get behind in making the payments, isn’t it?

And if borrower can not keep up, the lender can repossess their property: the car, the house, the land, etc. It is possible to lose almost everything. Being homeless becomes a frightening possibility.

Many years ago, the kids, your spouse, and even you could be sold into slavery to repay the debt.

As a side-note, I hope you will take a few extra minutes and watch our video 7 Way to Avoid Poverty. I will put the link in the Additional Resources at Timeless Talks.Net

All debt is heavy. It is unpleasant. And it is NOT the way God wants us to live. That is NOT living.

But what if a benefactor appeared in your life. What if he was willing to pay off your debt all at once. How would you feel? Excited? Hopeful? Thankful? Joyful? Oh, yeah.

I know I would be all of these.

Back in the Bible days, just like today, there were written RECORDS of every debt.

But, instead of getting the rubber stamp put on your contract that says “Paid in Full”, there were 3 ways of showing the debt was no longer legally binding, that you were debt free.

#1. The handwriting was “blotted out”.  Paper was not very absorbent. Plus the inks often did not thoroughly dry up and become smudge-proof. Back then, if the creditor canceled the debt, or a benevolent benefactor paid your debts, they could take a damp cloth, like this one, and with a  little rubbing, and a little more rubbing, they could blot out the writing, the record of your debt.

No record, no debt.

Method #2 of showing the debt was no longer binding was very simple. Again, either by your diligent payments, the creditor’s kindness, or the benefactor’s benevolence, it was marked null-void by writing a big X across the contract.

Finally, the 3rd method of publishing your debt-free status.

That paper with the BIG X was then nailed to the doorpost of your home. It was a PUBLIC DISPLAY of how you were now debt-free. That the debt had been PAID in full. 

Let’s read one of the most liberating passages in the Bible.

Colossians 2:13-14  And you, who were dead in your trespasses and the uncircumcision of your flesh, God made alive together with him, having forgiven us all our trespasses,  

Wait, did you get that? He didn’t say 80% or even 99% of the debt. He said ALL!  Oh, sorry, let’s keep reading.

“…having forgiven us all our trespasses,  (14)  by CANCELING the RECORD of debt that stood against us with its legal demands. This he set aside, NAILING it to the cross.  

Whether you realize it or not, you carry an unpayable debt. It is the debt caused by going against God.

Picture all your sins being RECORDED on 1 BIG piece of paper. That paper has ALL the commands of God to do good that we chose NOT to do. It has ALL God’s prohibitions that we have chosen to do. 

And here is the foreclosure clause. It is Romans 6:23. “For the wages of sin is death, ……”   Just 1 sin is enough for Satan to collect payment. Your SOUL will die, that is be separated from God, in hell. That is much worse than being “homeless”. And each of us has 100s of sins.

But the passage in Colossians said ALL the sin-debt has been.

Peter said it this way, “1 Peter 1:17-19  And if you call on him as Father who JUDGES IMPARTIALLY ACCORDING TO EACH ONE’S DEEDS, conduct yourselves with fear throughout the time of your exile,  (18)  knowing that YOU WERE RANSOMED from the futile ways inherited from your forefathers, not with perishable things such as silver or gold,  (19)  but with the precious blood of Christ, like that of a lamb without blemish or spot.

You were RANSOMED!

Paul told the Corinthians, “1 Corinthians 6:19-20  Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God? YOU ARE NOT YOUR OWN,  (20)  FOR YOU WERE BOUGHT WITH A PRICE. So glorify God in your body.”

Your sin debt was paid by the precious blood of Jesus. Jesus wrote the BIG X on your debt that you could NEVER pay. He NAILED to the cross.

But he expects your trust. He expects a change of behavior that keeps on trying not to incur further sin-debt. He expects loyalty as your new owner. And he expects complete compliance as your new master.

My benevolent benefactor has paid my sin debt. I am Excited, Hopeful,  Thankful, and Joyful!

And now I am giving you a bonus.

Col 2:15, in the same context we read earlier, said, “He (Jesus) disarmed the rulers and authorities and put them to open shame, by triumphing over them in him.”

Satan may have thought he was winning the war against God when he managed to get Jesus sent to the cross. But it was exactly what God had designed before time began. Now, Jesus has taken the death penalty away from Satan.

Satan, death, and eternal torment in hell no longer loom over your future.

So how will you act now?

Will you go back to do the same old things again, and incur the debt again?

Or will you start following this just and faithful God and his son Jesus?

If you need help to know just what to do, I would be honored to show you the details. Text the number on your screen. I will text you back shortly. Or use the contact page. It is here on the side or above in the header. Either way, I will share with you God’s word and help you reach the best decision of your life.

Thank you for watching. Until we can visit again, goodbye for now.