Is THIS the Year? Transcript
Written by John Ratliff

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Is THIS the Year?
Once again we find ourselves on the brink of a brand new year.
It happens every year, we blink in January, open our eyes, and it’s December.
We look back and wonder where the time went.
No doubt some have had a great year, but there are some that did not.
I would like for you to join me for a few moments, as we discuss something that almost everyone has done at some point in time, and to encourage you to let this next year be the year that you actually do it.
Resolutions…almost everyone at some point has resolved to do something different or better than they did the year before.
Yet, we usually postpone the very things that we know we should do immediately.
We enter each New Year with the same old problems, weaknesses, failures, and fears.
Let this be the year that you actually follow through.
Friends, if you want a different outcome, make different choices.
If you want your life to be better, may I encourage you to resolve to do two things.
First, Get that Bible down off the shelf, dust it off, open it, and study it.—2 Tim. 2:15. It holds the words of eternal life. It is a light to our feet and a lamp to our path. It holds all things that pertain to life and godliness.
Second, get that Bible down off the shelf, dust it off, open it, and learn about Jesus. He is the way, the truth, and the life—John 14:6. He wants a relationship with you—Matt. 11:28 He gave his life to make this possible—John 15:13-14.
Let this be the year that you change your life for the better.
Let this be the year that you begin to experience the abundant life—John 10:10.
.Let this be the year that you give your life over to Jesus who has the words of eternal life.—John 6:68.