"Overlooked Command"
Written by Tim Estes
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Overlooked Command
This is one of the “forgotten” commands. It is found in Heb 3:13.
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The verse says, Hebrews 3:13 But exhort one another EVERY DAY, as long as it is called “today,” that none of you may be hardened by the deceitfulness of sin.
Often have focused on the two other big ideas in this verse.
- “Today”, keeping us in mindful of when we should be active Christians
- To be aware of the hardening effect that sin has on all people. Remember what it tell us in 1 Timothy 4:2 “through the INSINCERITY OF LIARS whose CONSCIENCES ARE SEARED,
But what is overlooked is the idea of exhorting fellow Christians EVERY DAY.
I know I have an need to be encouraged EVERY DAY by someone.
Don’t you need it, too?
And if the need is not met by Christians, DISCOURAGMENT will come from Satan or some of his people.
A friend sent me a Reel or short video. It talked about how a man went to the church assembly. His phone rang loudly during the service. Other folks lectured him on being careless. His wife fussed at him. His friends shook their heads at him with disgust and shame. He was embarrassed, and humiliated. He never went to that church again. Later, he went to a bar. As he started his first drink, he accidentally splashed it on some folks as he dropped the glass. He broke the glass. He started apologizing. He was expecting to get a verbal bashing and maybe a slap. Instead, they wanted to know if he got cut by the glass. The waiter apologized. A janitor mopped the floor for him. The lady manager gave him a complimentary drink, a peck on the cheek, and told him “Who doesn’t make mistakes?” Needless to say, He keeps on returning to the bar.
Who needs encouragement? Someone you know does right now. So be active TODAY. Use the idea of the Golden Rule (which is Matthew 7:12), and do it to others BEFORE they realize they need it. Your actions will encourage others, and it will come back to you soon.
Listen to how God recorded it.
- Luke 21:37 And EVERY DAY he was teaching in the temple, …
- Acts 5:42 And EVERY DAY, in the temple and from house to house, they did not cease teaching and preaching that the Christ is Jesus.
- Acts 17:17 So he reasoned in the synagogue with the Jews and the devout persons, and in the marketplace EVERY DAY with those who happened to be there.
Jesus, the early disciples, Paul in Athens, all worked everyday to make a difference in someone’s life.
Let’s stop ignoring the much-needed commands to exhort each other.
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