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Sin's Side-Effects Transcript

Sin's Side-Effects: How It Affects Others
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Sin’s Side Effects Transcript


The previous video in this short series (“Sternly Charged“) noted a non-tradition view of Jesus almost getting in the face of a healed leper. But what happened next may be just as important for you. The leper’s immediate disobedience reveals how any sin affects You AND INNOCENT OTHERS. Watch this!


We noted in the video “Sternly Charged” how a leper had approached Jesus. Jesus responded by touching the leper, and instantly removing the disease. And Jesus stopped JUST SHORT of getting in the leper’s face but spoke STERNLY to him. What did he tell this leper?

Mark 1 records, “And Jesus STERNLY CHARGED him and sent him away at once,  (44)  and said to him, “See that YOU SAY NOTHING TO ANYONE, but go, SHOW YOURSELF to the priest and OFFER FOR YOUR CLEANSING what Moses commanded, for a proof to them.”

All Jesus is telling him to do is what Law of Moses told every leper to do after the disease is gone. Nothing there was difficult. It might take a little while, but far, far from challenging.

But what did the man actually do? Did he keep his mouth shut? Did he go show himself to the priest? Did he go make the prescribed offerings that Moses commanded? Well, we are not told about him going to the priests or making the sacrifices. But, he DID NOT remain silent. Simply put, HE DISOBEYED. Even though he had been STERNLY CHARGED, he disobeyed.

Here is a free side note: God labels disobedience as sin. ok?

But the story is not over, and what follows is the point of this video.

The very next verse says, But he went out and began to TALK FREELY about it, and to SPREAD THE NEWs, so that Jesus could no longer openly enter a town, but was OUT IN DESOLATE PLACES, and people were coming to him from every quarter.

The text tells us the leper became an unneeded proclaimer or preacher. The word “freely” can also be translated “much” or “often”. Plus, he “spread” the news. Spread” also means “to report thoroughly”. If he had been living today, he would have been doing multiple Facebook Live, or Live on YouTube, and several short reports on Instagram or TikToc.

But the BIG IDEA that you need is that Jesus had to CHANGE what he was doing. Jesus had been, up till this leper, working publicly in the cities. But now, he had to go to the unpopulated places and do his work from there. It required people who wanted to learn from Jesus to make long trips into deserted places.

The point: Sins affect the sinner AND other people. Jesus had to change his teaching methods. And crowds of people had to travel distances just to learn from him.

Let’s think about this. There is a long list of sins found in Romans 1:29-32. In that list is greed. If a man is guilty of “greed”, who benefits? No one. Not his children or wife. Not a homeless man. No needy child at Christmas? SINS AFFECT OTHERS.

How about someone who commits murder? Once the deed is done, the mate of the deceased will have tremendous sorrow and loneliness, and maybe they become a single-parent.  The children will miss having either a mother- or father-figure to train them. The local sheriff will have to investigate the murder, track down the offender, and arrest him. And don’t forget the jailer, the prosecutor, a defender, the judge, 12 members of the jury, and whoever will incarcerate him. SINS AFFECT OTHERS.

The Bible is true when it says that everyone sins and falls short of the glory of God. Romans 3:23  for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God,

No matter who you are, you commit sin. And that means YOU HURT someone else BESIDES YOURSELF. Your sins affect others, too.

But, there is GREAT hope because God is great. He created a plan through which he could extend to you, a sinner, well–actually everyone, his grace and mercy. What is that plan? Well, look in the Additional Resources below for the “Plan of Salvation” series. There is a way for you to stop hurting yourself, and EVERYONE around you.

Don’t be cruel, insolent, or an inventor of evil. Love yourself and OTHERS enough to watch the other videos and take the needed actions.

If we can help you here at Timeless Talks, don’t hesitate. Call the number on your screen and leave a message. You can send a text here, too. Or you can use the Contact page or the Prayer Request page. All for FREE with NO OBLIGATIONS. Just simple Bible answers. Just simple personal help. All because we care!

Thanks for watching this video. And we hope to see you again, soon, say, tomorrow? Until then, goodbye for now.