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Society Without God?? Transcript

Written by Tim Estes

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“Society Without God??”

In America, in just the month of May, 2022, there have been 56 mass shootings with at least 4 people being injured. In Chicago alone, there have been 12 mass shootings this year.

What is the problem? How do we stop it? What can I do?

In this video I will show you the root cause, and THE only solution.

This visit has nothing to do with your political ideology, race, social or economic

Remember the events in Uvalde. The was even 1 in Hot Springs, AR.

The typical response is a call for more laws and more control. But that is treating symptoms and not the root cause. The problem keeps on coming back.

I will reveal the root cause and the cure.

The problem begins with sin. It always has been sin. It has never been about the tool. It is not about guns, bombs, bows and arrows. Think. What did Cain use against Abel? We are not told.

Here’s the cold hard ugly truth. We live in a sick world. It is full of depression, anxiety, anger, and hatred. Many have bowed to the devil and his deceptiveness. They give allegiance to Secularism as it rejects God’s ideals, or to Materialism with no spiritual values; Or Humanism where God is rejected and human ideals dominate, Or Socialism where the government acts as a god.

The bullseye of the problem is the human heart. It Always is. If people want to do evil they will find a way, Regardless of all the laws or political ideology or race or status.

Because it is a problem of the heart there is only one lasting cure. American society has put the answer in a bottle, stuck a cork in it, and put it on the Shelf. America is only reaping what we have been sowing for years.

We are living in a society without God.

Proverbs 14:34 says, “But sin is a reproach to any people.”

To understand the cure, we must go back to the beginning, the very beginning. When God created man he created him to be right and do right. He said, “let us make man in our image.”. God created man to be like himself. “Truly, this only I have found: That God made man upright, But they have sought out many schemes.” (Ecclesiastes 7:29)

God created us to be right and do right. God gave us the ability to choose to do right. But leave it to mankind. We found a way to mess it up. Adam and Eve were told to not touch or eat from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil.

We have all sinned and suffered the consequences. But listen. Sin is not hereditary. Remember what we already told you? The problem is a matter of the heart.

Sometimes people do things that are not what God would want. God did not want Adam and Eve to sin in the garden. God did not want to destroy everyone except 8 people. God does not want us doing what is right in our own eyes.

The book of Judges illustrates what happens to a society without God. Every time Israel chased idols, society got in trouble. When they returned to God, they flourished.

What could possibly go wrong when God is removed from our homes, our schools, our
government, our society?

EVERYTHING!!!!! Without God, Anarchy Reigns.

Until our society recognizes this problem we can never effectively administer the one and only cure.

I will not tell you that I have all the answers or THE solution. but I know the one who does have the Cure. And from reading this Bible, I know that when God is in his proper place in our homes our schools our government our society then and only then will these mass shootings and similar events nearly vanish.

To make these things happen requires a heart transplant. God said, Ezekiel 36:26,  “Moreover, I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit within you; and I will remove the heart of stone from your flesh and give you a heart of flesh.”
The heart of the matter is a matter of the heart.

THE solution is… God

Consider what God told us centuries ago. “Then I looked again at all the acts of oppression which were being done under the sun. And behold I saw the tears of the oppressed and that they had no one to comfort them; and on the side of their
oppressors was power, but they had no one to comfort them.”  (Ecclesiastes 4:1)

In passages like these, I hear desperation from a man that has no God but is crying out, “Help me!”

There really are no words for when things happen like the event last week at Ross Elementary in Uvalde, TX.
But, can you feel and see the desperation? Do you want the best solution? I know you’re
going to do the best you can. We all do.

But take this away from our talk. The world that listens to Satan will choose not provide the best solution. Neither can governments or societies.

Only when there is Repentance from the heart, and Restoration of God in our hearts from ALL of us will the cure work.

Listen to wisdom: “Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God and keep
His commandments, For this is man’s all. For God will bring every work into judgment,
Including every secret thing, Whether good or evil.” Ecclesiastes 12:13-14

There has always been only one solution. Stand up and let your light shine bright in a dark, depressing, dismal world. Stand up and be the people that God intended you to be. Stop talking about it. Get to work, or things will never change.

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Thanks for your time. Until next time, Goodbye for now