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"Sword of the Spirit" Transcript

Written by Tim Estes

Sword of the Spirit. Purpose? Effective?
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Sword of the Spirit

Purpose? Effective?


What is the Sword of the Spirit? What is the Bible’s purpose? Is the Bible effective in real-life? Can it help me?


Hi, I am Tim Estes with Timeless Talks.

The Bible can equip you for any situation in your life. Turn in your Bibles to 2 Tim 3:16-17. When you read this, look for what it can help you do. It says, “All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness,  (17)  that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work.”

Look at what it is profitable for doing. It said it can be used by you to teach or to be taught. You can use it to reprove someone, or be reproved. It can help you correct a brother in Christ, or be corrected by a brother. And it can be your tool to train someone to do right, or to train you in doing right.

But the verses ended with the phrase, “for every good work”.

Can it really?

Jesus used the Old Testament verses he had memorized to defend himself against Satan. It worked for him 3 times. And when Satan finished, he left Jesus for a while.

And there was this preacher named Phillip on his way from Samaria down to Gaza. A treasurer from Ethiopia came by. Phillip recognized the scripture he was reading was Isaiah 53. He asked the Ethiopian if he understood what he was reading. The Treasurer said, “How can I unless someone guides me.”. Acts 8:35 says, “Then Philip opened his mouth, and beginning with this Scripture he told him the good news about Jesus.” Did it work? Well, in the next verse he is asking Philip about baptism, and in Verse 38 he is baptized. So, yeah, it works.

Paul called the scriptures the “Sword of the Spirit” in Eph 6. Verses 17 ends, “…and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God” In terms of Christian armor, it is your only offensive weapon you have.

But let’s also get very real. Life is difficult! It is almost impossible without Christ, and it is hard to be his representative. Even for the newly baptized, forgiven believer it is a challenge. What do you do in different circumstances or situations? And where can I go to get help?

And let’s not forget that sin is not dormant. It is not hibernating. Actually, it is dominating. Sin dictates to us what we are to do. It is addictive. Smokers are addicted to nicotine. Alcoholics have to get another drink.

So how do you get over life’s difficulties? Open your Bible

And how do you begin to conquer sin? Open your Bible.

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Thanks for giving us a few minutes of your time. We hope you will come back by tomorrow. Until we can visit again, Goodbye for now.