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Temptation: Tools for the Eye

Written by Tim Estes

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Temptation: Tools for the Eye

I have heard of a little plant in Australia called the “sundew.” It has a slender stem and tiny, round leaves fringed with hairs that glisten with bright drops of liquid as delicate as fine dew. But whatever insect sees the liquid and touches it, it is doomed. The shiny eye-catching moisture on each leaf is sticky. It imprisons every bug that touches it. The insect struggles to get free, but the vibration causes the leaves to close tightly around it. Then the pretty, colorful,  innocent-looking plant FEEDS ON ITS VICTIM.

If you want to avoid pretty temptations leading to getting stuck and devoured, what tools do you need?

This video will give you 4 tools.


I never cease to be amazed at how suddenly, quickly, almost instantly I can be tempted. Have you ever noticed it? Temptations happen as fast as you can blink your eyes, or snap your fingers, or as quickly as a tick of the clock. And that is how long it took for Jesus himself to experience the “desire of the eye”(1 John 2:16).

Here is the backstory to His temptation.

Jesus wants to lead all people away from their self-destructive patterns to a rich, fulfilling life on earth AND, ultimately, salvation culminating in heaven.

Jesus was also aware CONFLICT WOULD happen. He foresaw problems with the Pharisees and Sadducees, and the Jewish religious leadership. He was aware of the needs of the non-religious, the immoral, and the tax collectors. He was conscious of the blind, the lame, the infirmed, and the lepers. And he was acutely aware of his coming passion and pain-filled death.

Satan knew Jesus’ situation. Satan paraded all the great kingdoms of the inhabited world before Jesus in a near-instant. Jesus SAW their BEAUTIFUL GRANDEUR. He could have seen the Pyramids of Egypt, the Parthenon of Athens, and the Colosseum of Rome.

Satan presented his plans as quick, easy, painless. The greatest of liars said he was capable of delivering to Jesus all of the beauty of these kingdoms. It is as though Satan was promising Jesus the visual glory of all these kingdoms, and their allegiance, for a super-low, “Black Friday deal”.

Jesus could have all the glory WITHOUT the conflicts, or the cross, for the small price of bowing to Satan JUST ONCE. All Jesus had to do was bow in worship to Satan ONCE. Such a small, easy price.

But when Satan mentioned “worship”, Jesus SAW his escape route. (review Temptations: Do They Kill?)

Jesus, knowing worship can be given to ONLY ONE entity, realized he had to make a choice.

Here, Jesus shows us his FIRST TOOL. It was scripture. He quoted Deut in 6:13. “It is written, “‘You shall worship the Lord your God, and HIM ONLY shall you serve.’” He KNEW THE SCRIPTURES. Your first tool needs to be accurate Bible knowledge.

Jesus’ second tool was to STOP LISTENING to the great Liar. Satan was telling Jesus the kingdoms were all his, and that Jesus could have it all easily, quickly, and painlessly. Your SECOND TOOL MUST be to STOP LISTENING to Satan.

Jesus’ third tool was to STOP LOOKING. He stopped looking at all the glory of the kingdoms. Your third tool should be to REMOVE YOURSELF from the SIGHTS that tempt you. For example: If you like alcohol, stay away from the convenience store’s refrigerated section.

Jesus’ fourth tool was making a DELIBERATE choice.  He CHOSE to honor his Father. He DECIDED to conquer Satan with a resurrection. He DETERMINED to go to the cross for you and me. And he PROVED to everyone that HE is to one who deserves our loyalty. Philippians 2:8-11  And being found in human form, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross.  (9)  Therefore God has highly exalted him and bestowed on him the name that is ABOVE EVERY NAME,  (10)  so that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth,  (11)  and every tongue confess that JESUS CHRIST IS LORD, to the glory of God the Father.

Like Jesus, We get to CHOOSE whom we will serve. Let’s make smart choices. DECIDE right now to worship and serve the only true God and his Son. Don’t satisfy the desires of your eyes.

Will you make a DELIBERATE CHOICE to LOOK FOR A WAY OUT or ask for God to help you ENDURE TEMPTATION? Watch the 1st video: (Do Temptations Kill)

Using the right tools, we CAN WIN over temptations of the eyes.

Now you are ready for “Recognizing Temptation”

Here at Timeless Talks, We want to help you. Call this number. Leave a message with your name and need. Use the contact page to start a personalized discussion. Or use the Prayer-Request page for confidential prayers. Don’t wait. Do it now!

Until we can visit again, goodbye for now.