Timeless Talks

Tim Estes

Life is wonderful. Life is varied. Life is rewarding. I began speaking in churches in 1971 and I am not planning on stopping. I have worked with Christian brothers in Arkansas, Texas, Missouri, Ukraine, Belarus, and India. So much joy! I have worked for grocery stores (three times), bottling companies, hauled hay, preached both full-time and part-time, and started and failed at floor cleaning and professional photography. I was a good news photog and reporter, and successfully sold and produced television advertising. I highly enjoyed teaching high school life sciences for nine years. I have served as an EMT and Billing Specialist for an ambulance service. And been a security guard. I am blessed with 5 children and 9 grandchildren. But the greatest passion has always been trying to educate, encourage, strengthen, and motivate individuals toward God Almighty, Jesus my Savior, and my helper the Holy Spirit. I want EVERYONE to have the joys they have given me. And I want them to have the grand reward I expect to receive.

Sinner’s Prayer

Sinner’s Prayer Have you ever prayed the Sinner’s Prayer? The intent of this prayer is to ask Jesus to come into your heart as a means of being saved. Do you know where in the Bible the Sinner’s Prayer can be found? As we desire to be saved from our sins by Jesus’ sacrifice, can

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Christmas Card Lessons

Christmas Card Lessons https://media.publit.io/file/TTVideos/Xmas21-c.mp4 Christmas Cards should carry God’s message. Here are three lessons you can use. And find out more about the creator of Timeless Talks with Tim and TimelessTalks.Net. He discusses why he identifies with Jesus. And find a sound Christmas Wish for all viewers, whenever you watch it! 

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Why? https://media.publit.io/file/TTVideos/Why-c.mp4 Why do I do what I do? Why do I preach? Why do I do these short talks? Why did I create TimelessTalks.Net? Here is the answer.

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Better Life in 2022: 3 Principles

Better Life in 2022? 3 Principles https://media.publit.io/file/TTVideos/Ny22-c720.mp4 This video reveals 3 principles to anyone wanting a better life in 2022. This is not a self-help video but reveals principles from an all-knowing God that is guaranteed to improve everyone’s life. Additional Resouces From TimelessTalks.Net Better Life in ’22 Transcript 7 Facts About Heaven After Life 

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Who Is Satan?

This is the video entitled “Who Is Satan”.
Before examining who Satan is, time was spent remembering various aspects of God. It was remembered that God is good all the time and how He feels about sin. Other memories included how that he is helpful with encouragement, opportunities to do what is right, a plan of saving man from himself through the substituting of Jesus for each human and that God and Jesus are always with us.
Satan was found to be an adversary of God, his enemy
Satan is always trying to create grief for God. He causes humans to sin which causes God to be sick. The Devil causes God’s created people to experience a host of problems. He causes man to be angry, to murder, slander, lie, cheat, disappoint, commit adultery and sexual immorality, thefts, and many more as stated in Romans 1:28-32.
Although it appears that Satan is at war with God, that “war” has already been lost by Satan. When Jesus was resurrected by God’s power, He broke Satan’s hold over death. It was his last hope.
it was also discussed that many continue to listen to him and will be punished with the Devil, according to Matthew 25:41
But in spite of the great difficulty the Devil causes God and mankind, people can (with God’s help) overcome Satan, as evidenced in multiple scriptures.
Viewers are challenged to stop living like victims of the Devil and begin acting like Victors over Satan.

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7 Facts About Heaven

A person with any desire of going to heaven eternally must know these 7 vital facts about God’s home. These facts include: 1)God is in heaven; 2)Jesus is in heaven; 3)Angels are in heaven; 4)God’s will is accomplished in the Promise Land; 5)Authority is found inside the Pearly Gates; 6)Heaven is the place of origin for many concepts and actions; 7)Rewards are waiting for baptized obedient believers in eternity.

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When You Get Punched

What is the best thing to do when your getting your lights punched out? There are two answers you need. Both answers you need are found in Luke 6:29
It is worth noting that this passage is similar to Matt 5:39-40. where it speaks of someone taking your things through legal maneuvers.
But Luke uses words with a violent tone. Words like strike you, hit you, slap you. Luke 6.29 is about being punched, Beaten, bashed, clobbered or pounded. And then about losing their valuables
Today, it might be your cell phone, wallet or purse, cash, or credit cards
So Jesus gives us answer #1. Do NOT resist, fight back, scuffle or tussle.
If you defy or put up a fight, you can wind up in a hospital or worse, the morgue.
And then there is answer #2. Be cooperative. Give them whatever THING they want
Jesus is reminding us not to be too attached to the THINGS of this world. THINGS are disposable.
In 1 John 3:15 it is written “Do not love the world or the things in the world.
Surviving such an encounter is more important than being a hero.

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Addictions of all types occur when self-control is given, relinquished, or sold out. We are talking about alcoholism, smoking, drugs (either prescription or illegal), womanizing, fornication, pornography, even greed. All addictions can be considered sins because they are in control and not God. But there is hope. All addictions can be overcome. It may take a long time to get out, but it is possible. God can forgive, and God can help.

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