Timeless Talks

Tim Estes

Life is wonderful. Life is varied. Life is rewarding. I began speaking in churches in 1971 and I am not planning on stopping. I have worked with Christian brothers in Arkansas, Texas, Missouri, Ukraine, Belarus, and India. So much joy! I have worked for grocery stores (three times), bottling companies, hauled hay, preached both full-time and part-time, and started and failed at floor cleaning and professional photography. I was a good news photog and reporter, and successfully sold and produced television advertising. I highly enjoyed teaching high school life sciences for nine years. I have served as an EMT and Billing Specialist for an ambulance service. And been a security guard. I am blessed with 5 children and 9 grandchildren. But the greatest passion has always been trying to educate, encourage, strengthen, and motivate individuals toward God Almighty, Jesus my Savior, and my helper the Holy Spirit. I want EVERYONE to have the joys they have given me. And I want them to have the grand reward I expect to receive.


Innocence https://media.publit.io/file/TTVideos/Innocence-c.mp4 Tales of a cat gone berzerk and a boy being a hero lead the host to remember a time when innocence was abundant. Innocence is the wonderful quality of youth and is lost through mistakes, sin and regret. Everyone wants it back. Methods to regain that innocence are discussed but were ineffective. But

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Straining Forward

https://media.publit.io/file/TTVideos/StrainingForward-c.mp4 Straining Forward The video was created in response to the death of my dear brother-in-Christ Randy Hughes. He pointed people to Paul’s writings in Philippians 3. There anyone can get the idea of what it is to strain forward. Paul wanted heaven so badly he strained and pressed on. Additional Resources From Timeless Talks

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Got Money. Now What?

Got Money. Now What? https://media.publit.io/file/TTVideos/GotMoney-NowWhat-c.mp4 “Got Money. Now What?” follows the financial information discovered in Proverbs to learn how rich people can honor God with their wealth. How bad can the rich become? How good can the rich be? Additional Resources From Timeless Talks Transcript for video 7 Ways To Avoid Poverty? From Gospel Broadcasting

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Abortion 3: What Ladies Think AFTER Abortion

Abortion 3: What Ladies Think AFTER An Abortion https://media.publit.io/file/TTVideos/Abortion3-c.mp4 What were the thoughts of many women after they had had an abortion? Were there physical problems? What about relationships? Regrets? Depression? Drinking? This video examines all these and finds there is a very viable set of answers for the problems. These answers are not simple.

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I Hate Buttermilk

I Hate Buttermilk https://media.publit.io/file/TTVideos/IHateButtermilk-c.mp4 Can you hate buttermilk, shortening, and plain flower and not love Buttermilk Biscuits? What a difference a little mixing and baking can do! Can hardened sinners, caustic sailors, arguing brothers, a hated government official, those who hate every member and action of that government, and mix in several plain people and

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7 Ways to Avoid Poverty

“7 Ways to Avoid Poverty” is the outgrowth of the best financial book ever written: Proverbs. Few realize the Bible has helps with our money issues. And the Book of Proverbs, a book full of short wise sayings, is loaded with advice. This video examines seven things individuals can do to keep themselves and their families from sinking to extreme financial levels.

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