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Come and See Transcript

Written by Tim Estes

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Come and See

“Come and See” is a 1987 Soviet-make film focusing on the Nazi German occupation of Belarus during WW2. Through the eyes of Flyora you would see Nazi horrors and sufferings. “Come and See” doesn’t sound like a film you want to take the kids to see.

But I know two occasions when the words Come and See were the beginnings of joy and peace. You need to hear those words. So, I am asking you to Come and See.

The first of the 2 occasions was when John the baptizer sent a man, that I will call Andy, and an unnamed friend, to follow the THE special someone.

Andy had been listening and studying the thoughts of John the baptizer for some time. He knew that John was paving the way for the coming Messiah. So, when John called that man walking by “The Lamb of God”, Andy knew. But what should Andy do?

All they did was catch up to Jesus.

I like what Jesus said to them, “WHAT are you looking for?” The two men might have been a bit surprised by the attention Jesus was giving them. They just said, “Where are you staying?” Jesus, in an understanding and kind way, told them, “Come and you will See.”

So, they did, since it was getting late in the afternoon. Andy soon was being with Jesus every day. Yes, it was Andy who told his brother he had found the Messiah. And Andy became joyfully productive for many years.

The second time you hear that special phrase took place with another man. I will call Phil. Phil had started following Jesus for different reasons. But Phil had a close friend that I will call Nathan. Phil told Nathan he was spending time with THE man that Old Testament Scriptures had talked about. I can hear Nathan asking, well, what is his name?” Phil said, Jesus of Nazareth. Just in case you don’t know, Nazareth was not exactly a town you wanted to claim. Not a good place at all. So, it is not surprising when Nathan said, “Can ANYTHING good, (meaning can ANYONE good) come out of Nazareth?”

Are you ready for Phil’s response? “Come and See.”

So, because Phil said it, he did. He went.

While he was walking up to Jesus, Jesus called him by name, and said there was not deceit in him. Jesus added “Before Philip called you, when you were under the fig tree, I saw you.”

Nathan recognized he really was around someone very different. He told Jesus that he must be God’s Son. Jesus told him, “You will see greater things than these”.

Nathan, like Andy, continued to listen, learn, obey, and enjoy being with Jesus. He gained the art of contentment, peace, patience, and so much more.

These two, and the others as well, became more than disciples, traveling buddies, or imitators of Jesus. They became the initial leaders of God’s eternally-planned Church, the one you can read about in the New Testament.

Both these men followed him even though religion was being re-defined, at least as they had always known it. And they stayed with Jesus through the changes.

Jesus wants you to Come and See him. To be a living, active learner of Him and his ways even if it is not the way your religion may have wanted you to see him. Jesus invites you to “Come and See” him FOR YOURSELF. He said, “Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.”

Timeless Talks is offering you this same invitation. We have begun a journey through the life of Jesus in chronological order. We have already told you about his trip to Jerusalem at the Age of 12. We told you about his baptism. And we have given you a 4-part series on his temptations.

We invite you to COME and SEE Jesus with us.

How can you stay current on such a journey?

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Until we can visit again, Goodbye for now.