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Drama At The Table Script

Written by Tim Estes

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Drama At The Table

Why is he getting up? Where is HE going? What is he doing with a TOWEL?

There was Drama at the Table.

What can Judas teach you?

Everyone should know that Jesus loves them. Many of you can quote John 3:16. “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life.

Everyone is included.

But Jesus had a unique relationship with 12 men, his 12 disciples. John 13: 1 ends with “He loved them to the end.” As this final Passover meal was being eaten, he chose to do something quite dramatic that would demonstrate his great love for them. How he loved ALL of them.

During this Last Supper, Jesus stopped eating. He got up. He took off his outer garment. He tied a towel around himself where he could do the work of a servant. He poured water into a basin. He got down at the feet of a disciple and began to wash his feet and dry them with his towel. One after the other. I am certain each disciple felt awkward. Their MASTER was doing the work of the LOWEST RANKING SLAVE.

He continued, one at a time until he came to Peter. Peter had a problem with his Master treating him as more important, and a tremendous lesson on humility was learned by Peter. But that is not the focus of this video.

John 13:10 ends with Jesus telling them “and you (my disciples) are clean, but not all of you.” Now, note verse 11. “For He knew THE ONE who was betraying Him; for this reason He said, “NOT ALL of you are clean.”

About a year earlier, during his Bread of Life lesson found in John 6, Jesus said how one of the 12 disciples is a betrayer. Later Jesus said, “Did I Myself not choose you, the twelve, and yet one of you is a devil?” Jesus did NOT say this one WAS a devil WHEN he was selected, but that Judas had allowed the great tempter to become a “permanent resident” in his heart.

At the Last Supper Jesus proceeded to wash the feet of ALL the disciples. He washed the feet of Judas. He is giving Judas one more chance to NOT DO this despised thing that he would regret. From our perch overlooking the events of this evening, WE know that it failed. NOW WE know what Jesus knew before hand.

This demonstrates how much Jesus loved Judas. Judas was NOT YET singled out. Jesus did not suddenly strike him with leprosy, or zap him with a lightening bolt from heaven. Instead, Jesus just washed his feet.

Here is the lesson for those baptized believers in Christ. Jesus washed EVERYONE’S feet. He washed the feet of James & John. He washed the feet of a man who would shortly doubt he was resurrected (Thomas). He washed the feet of violent Rome-hater (Simon, the Zealot). He EVEN washed the feet of his betrayer (Judas).

Here is YOUR question: Who do we “pick out” to be a fellow-disciple? Isn’t that what we do? We decide who should be told the gospel message because of how well they will FIT into OUR GROUP of believers. This is not right. Jesus did not SELECT which feet he would wash. God does not discriminate. He is not partial. (Acts 10.34-35). God wants all men to be saved. 1 Timothy 2:3-4 says “This is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior, (4) who desires ALL MEN to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth.”

When it comes to WHO should experience the gospel, we must share it with EVERYONE who will listen. EVERYONE who is hungry for truth. EVERYONE who wants to live right. EVERYONE who is poor in spirit. Let’s give EVERYONE an OPPORTUNITY at a wonderful, enriched life, and the possibility for eternal life.
Let’s just wash EVERYONE’S feet.

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