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God's Rewards: The Broken Transcript

God's Rewards: The Broken
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God Rewards the Broken


When the NFL season drew to a close, many of the players were looking to complete those lucrative incentives in their contracts. Their remarkable play can yield large financial rewards.

But would you expect a lineman with a broken leg to be rewarded after missing the entire season? What about a quarterback with an injured arm? Or a running back with a bad back? No. They should expect no rewards.

But God Rewards the Broken. You need to watch this.


Sometimes I see resentment toward people struggling to make ends meet. Or worse, trying to start all over again with absolutely nothing. I have said, “They ought to go get a job”, as if that would fix everything. And it is not good or right.

When we think or act like this, we usually are not seeing the complete picture. Where would an alcoholic begin if he has been fired from many jobs, lost contact with his wife and children, friends have abandoned him. He has no home, mailbox, or address. No car and only a few clothes. Where would he begin?

Or if sex addiction has cost him family, work, and friends. The addiction has got him in trouble with the law. He has restraining orders against him. No one trusts him. No one comes near. Constant loneliness. No one to call. How can he rebuild life? Where does he start?

We are describing people who have hit “rock bottom”. The American dream of picking yourself up by your bootstraps is nothing but a myth to them. Their future is so bleak, without any hope. They are people who cannot see any future. Crime and prison look better than what they have. Others just give up. Suicide looms as an escape. How can they change their predicament?

There is only one answer. It is the answer so many have rejected. And for some their rejection began the downward spiral.

What is the answer? No, a better question. Who is the answer? The answer is GOD.

God is looking for people that see how sin has caused their condition. They are down and out because of sin. It has ruined life. They think “Sin has tricked me and I am broken and hopeless in this mess.” They have tried to simply stop doing wrong, but all that positive thinking has not worked. They know their sin continues. It keeps coming back. They see no answer to those bad habits and feelings of being garbage. They don’t see a way out. They feel helpless.

But these are the very people God wants.

The Bible word for these people is “Poor”. There are 2 Greek words for poor, but Jesus uses the more extreme of the words when he says, “Blessed are the poor in spirit” (Matthew 5:3). They are powerless to stop sin, clean off the sin, and the restart life. They realize they are spiritually destitute.

This realization is the beginning point for God to do his hope-infusing work!

God uses Christians to show how much He values those broken souls. They are useful to him.

Using caring Christians, God can show them how his son started out in a manager with far-less-than-rich parents. Jesus just did whatever God said, and he turned out really good. He said, but I do as the Father has commanded me, so that the world may know that I love the Father. … (John 14:31)

Through Christians, God offers the broken a relationship with himself. He lets them know that anyone can enter his kingdom. Jesus said, I tell you, many will come from east and west and recline at table with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob in the kingdom of heaven,” (Matthew 8:11). God tells them that he will give them a spiritual education. He invites them to learn him and his son. “Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.” (Matthew 11:29)

God is plain with them as they learn and begin change. He expects child-like obedience. He tells everyone, “Truly, I say to you, unless you turn and become like children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.” (Matthew 18:3). Jesus also said, “Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven.” (Matthew 7:21).

When anyone, with the attitude of the destitute and broken, start chasing after god instead of their own selfish ways, they begin to obey like a child. They will discover improvements. They will recognize they are doing right, or becoming righteous in God’s eyes. This is important, because those in God’s kingdom excel in real right living. Jesus said, But seek FIRST the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.” (Matthew 6:33)

God rewards individuals with the humble, child-like attitudes of the broken, the ruined, and the helpless. He rewards them.

They, with their new spiritual education, see Jesus. They know he has to be God’s son. They share what they know with others who also believe Jesus is God’s son.

They keep on obeying his commands as they successfully make changes from their sins. They find help for the drinking, or drugs, or sex addictions, or greed, anger, and other sins. The Bible calls this repentance.

Like children, they obey God’s commands to be immersed.

This series of actions is rewarded by God. He places them in his church, the kingdom because of their broken attitude, they have begun the life-long plan of obeying God like children. and God has given them the kingdom of heaven. Jesus said in Matthew 5:3  “Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.”  Their attitude and trust in God have been rewarded.

Plus, God in his usual way, mounds up the blessings. Being in his kingdom is just super, but God adds on more. He has, as they have obeyed him, given them happiness.

Do you want Happiness? Don’t you want in God’s kingdom?

Start with becoming poor in spirit.

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We are so happy that you stopped by for a visit. Let’s do this again. Say, tomorrow? Until next time, Goodbye for now.