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Healing An Invalid

Healing an Invalid is a good example of how people look past the “elephant in the room” to be picky, biased, arrogant, hurtful. 

Jesus sees a man who had been an invalid for 38 years.

He cures him by telling him to pick up his bed and go home.

The Jews accuse the man of violating the Sabbath by carrying his bed (not seeing that he was the invalid they knew).

Jesus later identifies himself to the man.

The man reports Jesus to the religious authorities, “The Jews”. 

The Jews were upset with Jesus commanding people to violate the Sabbath. Jesus says he is not doing anything other than following the directions of His Father in heaven.

Now, still not seeing Jesus’ evidence that he is God’s son (by the healing of the invalid), now they want him dead because he identified himself with God, making himself equal to God — blasphemy.

Ever felt persecuted? Picked on? Bullied?

This talk deals with these life lessons with some instruction on how to improve.

Check out this video of the Jesus of John 5